Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

HIGH SCHOOL EXAM 2: grade 11 English test (50 questions)

This online interactive test-quiz is adapted from "Ujian Kenaikan Kelas 11 pelajaran bahasa Inggris" carried out in SMA (Senior High Schools) of Sleman Regency, the province of Yogyakarta. There are 50 questions in this test; passing grade: 75%; max score: 100 Answer all the 50 questions, then click SUBMIT to see your score. Now do the test carefully and have a good luck!
Please wait, it may take several minutes for loading the quiz.
Download this quiz: CLICK HERE You can also download other interactive quizzes from: CLICK HERE

9 komentar:

  1. bagus pak , ini cara downloadnya gimana ?

    1. Thanks feedback nya..
      Yang ini emang hanya untuk dikerjakan langsung online.
      Ada sih quiz2 lain yg bisa diunduh, klik di bawah tampilan quiz di atas.
      Kalau tar ada yg minat yg quiz online ini...bisa saya unggah ke mediafire (hostingfle)...
      Trus saya muat link-nya ke blog...
      Insyaallah tar setiap quiz online akan saya siapin yg bisa diunduh juga

    2. Sekarang QUIZ ini udah ada link DOWNLOAD-nya.
      SIlahkan...moga manfaat.

      Untuk quiz yang lain dalam proses....

  2. Hello Rahmat, where can I get a copy for this programm as possible as?

    1. Hi, Amr.
      What do you mean by a copy for this program? If it's the file of this quiz, you can download it right away by clicking the CLICK HERE button under the quiz.
      Or, do you mean the software/tool to create such an interactive quiz?
      Well, I use wondershare quiz creator.

    2. Oh thanks a lot. So, where can I download it?

    3. You can 'google' it. It's "wondershare quiz creator".
      But you'll get the TRIAL version. To get the full version, you have to buy it.

  3. nice blog,we use the same application [wondersharequiz], see my blog on or sir ... thanks

    1. Thanks, Hanibi. I've just started it. Great you have good blog too.
