Selasa, 09 September 2014


Hey...hey, how's everything? What are you doing right now? How about playing my new interactive quiz? I have ten questions for you. What you have to do is to find out the incorrect part of the sentence.This test is taken from "Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMK tahun 2014" (National Final Exam for Vocational School Students) This is the quiz.
Please wait, it may take a few minutes for loading the quiz.
Maaf, kesalahan angka tahun di halaman introduction, mestinya UN SMK 2014 You can download this quiz for free. Simply CLICK HERE!
The quiz is in an SWF file which can be played with a Flash player or an SWF player, and any video player on your computer.
If you have any response or question and suggestion, please write me via my facebook "RAHMAT SUHARYANTA"

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